Engulfed in the refreshing vibe of Tagaytay, our hotel’s lavish spread of amenities appeals to your senses. Stay in bed a little longer and enjoy the sumptuous comforts of a richly furnished guestroom. Indulge in local and international cuisine, Tagaytay delicacies, spa treatments, and other pleasurable choices. Go celebrate life’s most important events with friends and family at the Aurora Grand Ballroom.
Live that perfect day at One Tagaytay Place Hotel Suites — just 90 minutes from Manila. You might even find yourself staying longer than planned.
One Tagaytay Place Hotel Suites
Barrio Sungay, Tagaytay City, Philippines
Phone Numbers: Tagaytay Reservations Office
( +632) 584 4111
( +632) 584 4156
( 0922) 834 8874
( 046) 483 0111
( 046) 483 5813 to 17
Manila Sales Office
( +632) 477 7111
( +632) 381 6041
( +632) 497 6613
Fax Number:( +632) 656 5842
Email: reservations@onetagaytayplace.com , sales@onetagaytayplace.com
Website: http://www.onetagaytayplace.com/
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